Have a look at some of our recent projects to get an idea of the kinds of projects we tackle, and how we work with clients.
I am a founding Director, and Presidnet, and now Executice Director of the Beaufort Family Health Society, a community-led non-profit established to design and iperate a family medical pratcice in Cumberland BC. A town of less than 5,000 people with no medical care provider in the communtiy. The medcial centre is now open and will serv up to 5,200 patients at full capacity.
Janet was the founding CEO of the VIU Initaitves Trust, a business entity that allowed the university to participate in the business economy in ways that VIU isn’t able to do on its own. The trust was establsihed in 2018 to engage in revenue-generating initiatives for the benefit of VIU and the VIU Foundation. The trust explored opportunities to develop VIU’s real estate and enegy (geothermal) assets, as well as establish a number of busines ventures centered around the VIU’s professional and trades programs as well as a range of businesses that support campus life. The trust was put on pause upon the emergence of Covid-19.
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